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I agree that the Event Terms and Conditions are prominently displayed at Registration and on the website. I accept that the organisers have specifically invited me to study the terms and conditions prior to the Event, both at the time of booking and on the day prior to, or the day of the start of the Event. I confirm that I have carefully read and understood the Event Terms and Conditions. I accept that my participation in the Event is subject to these terms and conditions. I understand and accept that the Terms and Conditions limit the organiser’s liability.

Roads: I understand that this event includes short sections on busy public roads, pavements and paths. i.e. vehicle, cycles and pedestrian traffic are active and no roads are closed to them. Therefore I must give way to any vehicle or pedestrian requiring it, obey the Highway Code and all relevant road traffic as well as local byelaws. I agree to follow all marshalling instructions given to me prior to or during the Event.

Structures and Stations: I agree to take the following precautions:
- I will not carry loose items on the obstacles (and therefore probably the whole run). E.g. Keys, Cameras, Phones.
- I will not showboat on the stations and I will participate in a responsible and safe manner.
- I will follow the Marshal’s instructions at all times when attempting a station if such instructions are given to me.
- I will NOT RUN if requested to walk by an Event Marshal.

Photography and Film: I understand that, under the Event Terms and Conditions, I have consented to my likeness being used for the transmission of film and/ or photography by the organisers and/ or their agents, including for the purposes of the transmission of footage on TV. I agree that all photography or film that I capture of the event will be for personal use only.

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